IV International Biennial of Sculpture Valldoreix dels Somnis 2024
The Sculpture Biennial Valldoreix dels Somnis started on 2016 and, was a project designed and developed by the local non-profit association Amicart Valldoreix. The IV Biennial, in the 2024 call, is organized by Amicart Valldoreix, in collaboration with Entitat Municipal de Valldoreix EMD and Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallés. The aim of the project is to create an sculptural space that can serve as meeting point with the world of arts and to transform towns surrounded by forests and gardens into a contemplation area that encourages artistic reflection. In this way, Valldoreix dels Somnis will provide for two months with an sculptural art platform for all our fellow citizens and visitors to walk through and enjoy. The EMD has been working for some time on a sculptural tour made up of winning works from current and previous editions.
The Biennial will take place during October and December 2024 at the natural space “Parc de Sant Cebrià” where all works will be installed. The IV Biennial will host, as in previous calls, sculptures by local, national and international artists.
Competition rules
1.- Participants.
All artists who wish to participate in this call may participate, regardless of their age or nationality, and they can do so individually or, by teams.
2.- An invitation will be issued to some countries or institutions to participate with a guest artist in the context of the IV International Biennial of Sculpture Valldoreix dels Somnis (Excluded from competition).
3.- Theme.
Choice of subject is free. Work pieces addressing the relationship between Art and Nature, environment and sustainability, will be well regarded by the jury.
It will need to be specified whether the project is designed for: 1.-Natural area 2.-Urban space 3.-Any space 4.-Work designed for Valldoreix following the link:
4.- Submission.
Only one work submitted by artist or team will be accepted.
All required documentation must be signed by the author/s. The filing deadline is June 16th, 2024.
It will consist of:
Personal data: name, surname, address, country, telephone, E-mail, photocopy of ID or passport, website and CV.
At least three photographs of the work, in colour, digitized or physical, simulations or photomontages made from different points of view.
Technical specifications of the work, stating the type of stand and the anchoring system to install it.
Model of the work between 20 and 80 cm. It must be physically delivered to Amicart's address. An exhibition of all projects and models will take place before the biennial.
A brief report and/or description of the work and the appraisal of the piece are also required (in case of a potential acquisition during the exhibition).
At the time of registration, you must pay 40 euros for management costs. C/C number:.
ES90 2100 2776 3002 0035 7978
The documentation must be submitted to projectes@valldoreixdelssomnis.com
If the work is selected, the artist will be responsible for presenting the final piece according to the documentation submitted.
5.- Dimensions and technical features.
The sculpture (excluding stand) must be at least 300 cm in one of its three dimensions. The remaining two dimensions can be chosen by the artists.
Artists can use a range of materials typically used for sculpture work, such as stone, iron, steel, bronze, concrete or other materials resulting from new technologies. The material to be used must be stable, suitable, and resistant for outdoor exposure and capable of withstanding weathering.
6.- Selection of finalist works.
The jury of the IV Biennial, composed of 7 members, will select up to fifteen pieces, among all submitted, that will be installed in the Parc de Sant Cebrià and will remain onsite throughout the Biennial. From October 26th to December 27th, 2024. On June 25th, 2024, the outcome will be announced to each participant and subsequently to the media.
7.- Transport and work’s delivery.
The selected works must be presented at the place indicated by the organizers, from October 14th to October 18th, 2024. The transport of the work, both the shipment and the return, will need to be funded by the participant.
The EMD and the organisation will be in charge of the location, installation and definitive adaptation of the works to the exhibition space.
The organization will study the difficulties of each case and will commit to provide with the best care of the work from its reception until its return. Any responsibility from the organization for the custody of the works presented to the IV Biennial while being exhibited at Parc de Sant Cebrià, will be covered by an insurance contracted by Amicart.
Three prizes will be awarded
1.- 10.000,00 euros
2.- 10.000,00 euros
3.- 5.000,00 euros - Emerging Artist Award (under 35).
Three secondary awards and/or honourable mentions will be awarded.
All selected artists will have diplomas certifying participation and three copies of the catalogue of the IV Biennial.
The organizers will make available a catalogue in Catalan, Spanish and English of the IV Biennial in order to support and promote the artists and their submitted works.
Each of the three awarded works will become art heritage. One will be Valldoreix heritage (being part of the existing sculptural route); another one will be Sant Cugat del Vallés heritage; and the third (emerging artist), will be Amicart Valldoreix'. All three entities will commit to look after the works to ensure their preservation.
9.- Work’s collection.
All not-awarded authors will need to collect their works between December 30th, 2024, and January 17th, 2025. If they don't do so within the specified time, works will be left up to the free discretion of Amicart.
10.- Proceedings.
The opening of the IV International Biennial of Sculpture Valldoreix dels Somnis, will take place on Saturday, October 26th, 2024 (11 am) and the closing and awards ceremony will be on Friday, December 27th, 2024 (11 am).
11.- Obligations.
Participation in the IV Biennial requires the acceptance of these rules and the agreement with jury's decision. Authors give the organization the right to use images of their works to be published in any media.
Valldoreix, April 19th, 2024